We help you build a safe, trust-based environment, where your people feel comfortable to speak up, be themselves, learn and take actions to contribute to the growth of their team and company.

In the context of fast changing environment and the significant need for accessible services in the area of people management, well-being, mental health and essential soft skills at work, ProActive Luxembourg is lking for long term collaboration

  • with small and medium enterprises (SMEs) or teams located in Luxembourg and/or the Greater Region;
  • and remote with companies located anywhere in Europe.

Choosing a mental health professional

Starting this year the national health insurance in Luxembourg (CNS) started to reimburse/cover costs for psychotherapy. The news was announced...
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Safety, hope and courage

three important elements of hope: goals, pathways and agency. So, we experience hope when we can conceptualize valuable and realistic goals; we have the capacity to define an action plan and strategies (that include alternatives, flexible ways) to reach those goals and the belief that we can put those plans into action and we have the necessary motivation and resources.
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Who has the time to create meaning in a multilanguage environment?

After one year of moving abroad and learning and working in foreign languages, one time I went back home, my grandfather interviewed me thoroughly: how do you feel « over there » ? In which language do you speak with your boss? What about your colleagues? Did you make friends? In which language do you talk to them ?...and after a pause for reflection he finally asked me : in which language do you think now ? or dream ?
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(New Year) resolutions in times of pandemic?

“In order to be free (or feel free) and happy we need to learn compassion, perseverance, optimism, curiosity and of course courage." So, here are a few steps for setting resolutions that might be useful in any situation...
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Choosing a mental health professional

Starting this year the national health insurance in Luxembourg (CNS) started to reimburse/cover costs for psychotherapy. The news was announced...
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Safety, hope and courage

three important elements of hope: goals, pathways and agency. So, we experience hope when we can conceptualize valuable and realistic goals; we have the capacity to define an action plan and strategies (that include alternatives, flexible ways) to reach those goals and the belief that we can put those plans into action and we have the necessary motivation and resources.
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Who has the time to create meaning in a multilanguage environment?

After one year of moving abroad and learning and working in foreign languages, one time I went back home, my grandfather interviewed me thoroughly: how do you feel « over there » ? In which language do you speak with your boss? What about your colleagues? Did you make friends? In which language do you talk to them ?...and after a pause for reflection he finally asked me : in which language do you think now ? or dream ?
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Sustainable food habits: grow, harvest, cook, enjoy!

I finally found a bit of time this sunny Tuesday to write about sustainable food habits as a part of...
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Choosing a mental health professional

Starting this year the national health insurance in Luxembourg (CNS) started to reimburse/cover costs for psychotherapy. The news was announced...
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Safety, hope and courage

three important elements of hope: goals, pathways and agency. So, we experience hope when we can conceptualize valuable and realistic goals; we have the capacity to define an action plan and strategies (that include alternatives, flexible ways) to reach those goals and the belief that we can put those plans into action and we have the necessary motivation and resources.
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Who has the time to create meaning in a multilanguage environment?

After one year of moving abroad and learning and working in foreign languages, one time I went back home, my grandfather interviewed me thoroughly: how do you feel « over there » ? In which language do you speak with your boss? What about your colleagues? Did you make friends? In which language do you talk to them ?...and after a pause for reflection he finally asked me : in which language do you think now ? or dream ?
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Why I think nature is better than the internet in the new normal

We've talked a lot about health this year. No surprise, given the situation. But this trend of healthy living with...
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